Training and skills development (internationally)


Training and skills development. (Internationally)

BLandscapeDesign No 8


We have the expertise to invest in your company with regards to the development of your labour input. We have worked extensively into Africa and Sub-Sahara Africa in the guidance and up-skilling of labour in ensuring the execution of professional landscapes, from installation to consistent maintenance delivery.

How important it is to spend time in up-skilling your staff. Some of the key areas for up-skilling as follows:
1. Motivational upliftment – Caring to teach and grow people in their positions and giving those employees better skills and opportunities to do the job well, with enthusiasm and enjoyment.P1070861
2. Confidence boosting – Staff who have a good understanding of how the job should be done, will deliver excellence and therefore need to be trained and developed in order to produce an efficient service. The service is important as your client is observing the efficient delivery and will continue to extend contracts as you deliver with better up-skilled staff to do the work.
3. Continued investment – Continued investment in staff development and teaching is vitally important. People forget easily how the job should be done especially when a particular aspect of the job hasn’t been done for a while. It is important therefore that we never forget that as we deliver a service there is continued teaching/reinforcement to be undertaken in getting the job P1070853delivered efficiently and professionally.
4. Your client’s investment – The teaching investment in your staff is vitally important. We cannot afford to loose our staff as clients trust that the work methodology is maintained. Staff turnover results in diminishing the delivery of sills within your business.
Your landscaping business depends on the visual effect that your staff creates. Being a labour intensive industry, worldwide it is vitally important that we can keep a consistency in ensuring that we deliver a well-executed product. 
We have several skill developmental programs that we offer as follows: –
CIMG0430 SupSkillsforLandscaping No 3
Three Day Landscape Installation & Maintenance Management Programme 
Two Day Garden Workers Training Course
Two Day Advanced Gardeners Programme
Two Day Basic Landscape Design Programme
Four Day Landscape Design Programme 
Three Day Landscape Design Business Practice Programme 
Two Day Green Industry Marketing and Communication Programme BLandscapeDesign No 10
One Day Garden Workers Training Course
Two Day Team leaders programme
These training programmes have been run extensively.
Pictures of up-skilling and training of staff in other parts of Africa and out of the country that have been well received by our clients and their own clients are part of this blog.
Continued staff up-skilling is vital and the popular training programmes and options are as follows: –
Three Day Landscape Installation & Maintenance Management Programme 
Two Day Garden Workers Training Course
Two Day Basic Landscape Design Programme
One Day Garden Workers Training Course
• Two Day Team leaders programme
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