What is landscape design in the context of creating commercial sites?

Landscape design for commercial sites needs to be practical from an aesthetic perspective, pleasing to the eye and the wow factor needs to be well recognised before the commercial aspects of the site become evident.  These are just some of the items that need to be considered as follows:

1. Simplicity

  1. Number of species used.
  2. Basic simplicity in terms of species selected and combinations thereof.
  3. Detailed simplicity.
  4. Colours and the minimum number of plants for maximum effect.
  5. The right plants in the right place.

2. Unity

Architectural unity with the landscape and unity which relates to the anticipated landscape with repetition plantings.

3. Interesting atmospheres certainly evident in the concept of the plant selections. The right plant selections for screening. Plant selections with contrast, creating views, and hardy – i.e., look good all the time.

4. Colour

Making sure that the commercial sites have summer and winter changes. Positioning of plants for colour changes, leaf colour.

Making sure that ground covers are all year around and do not leave gaps. Texture and colour need to be carefully thought out. Introduction of appropriate hard landscaping features.

5. 3 – Dimensional effects

We would use at commercial sites to increase depth of awareness. Also, to create the atmosphere of distance giving body to the design and is invitational at the same time. 

6. Maintenance free design

Choice of plants. The indigenous plant factor very important certainly a given for creating commercial landscapes. Consider the shape of the land and work still to be done in terms of movement of soil. Take away lawn aspects and create a symbolic control. Climatic selection very important where we are creating commercial sites, coastal belts, temperate belts, winds etc. 

7. Plant availability 

Indigenous planting material in bulk. Exotics maybe to be considered. Replacement of plant species very important before the landscape and plan has been signed off by the client. Consider textures. Make sure that your group planting and textures are correct. Make sure that your texture variants are well communicated. 

These are just some of the points that we need to consider in creating commercial sites. A lot more can be written which will be done in the next blog. 

For more information Contact Landscape Design Consultants International on e-mail at   Website details are https://www.ldconsultantsinternational.com   or cell contact number +27 82 5705858 for consulting, training, mentorship and auditing.

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